I’ve been using Ubuntu in Parallels for a while now, everything has been working “fine” at least for what I have been using Ubuntu, my workflow runs “OK”, until a few days ago something happened because all the applications I was running under the emulation stopped working like Chrome.
After spending a few hours searching the Internet, I found a thread in Parallels Forum related to my issue, in short, the rosetta process may be “stuck”.
The thread does not give a lot of information about the issue other than killing the process and once you do that it will start working again. I know, not helpful, I have asked for an update hopefully I can get a reply and then add more details to this post.
root 1492 1 0 16:19 ? 00:00:00 /media/psf/RosettaLinux/rosettad daemon /var/cache/prlrosettad
killall rosettad